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Monthly Archives: December 2012



If you are asked to describe something, you’ll definitely ask about W5H1 (What, Where, When, Who, Why, How).. So If I ask you about Indonesia, the first thing that appeared in your mind would be ‘name of a country’.. Then, other questions will appear.. Like, where is Indonesia take place.? When that area being called as Indonesia.? Who are Indonesia people actually.? Why it called Indonesia.? etc..

Oh, God.. I’m sorry for my confusing introduction..


If you want to know Indonesia in general, go to this link –>> Indonesia

So.. Have you already known about this country.?

If you said ‘yes’, I totally disagree.. Because me my self as an Indonesian, and I’ve lived for twenty years in this beautiful country, have not enough time to understanding my own country in entirely.. You know why.? Because this country is too…..oooooooo big to written down in a single page of a website.. You might like to go to my blog to know why Indonesia is too big.. –>> Why Indonesia is too big. It’s in Bahasa Indonesia, unfortunately.. Please give comments, then I’ll rewrite it in English..

Like other countries, Indonesia has more than one aspect to be understood.. The cultures, histories, politics.. The people and arts.. Also the cuisines..

Why do I use plural in every aspects that I mention above.? It’s because Indonesia has more ethnic groups than other countries.. For a country, there are too many ethnics that growing inside Indonesia’s body..

It’s enough to spinning around.. Let’s get to the point..

Why do I create this blog.? It is because I want to know more about my country and tell you, all the readers, about how beautiful Indonesia is..

Indonesia have to be saved right now.. Our mother land is crying.. And what all we, as Indonesian people, can do is to love our country.. If we love our country, we will know how to heal every wound that was hurt our beloved land.. Also, to love something, we should understand about it, right.?

So first of all.. We will do something to know Indonesia.. Shall we.? ^_______^.)


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new place to start working on my BIG PROJECT..
what is it.?
let’s see a couple of months from today.. ^_^.)